Tuesday, August 31, 2010

26 weeks...12 more to go!

Maddox is showing off his belly too :)
Well...here we are! 26 weeks along and only 12 left! This pregnancy is flying by. Maddox keeps me on my toes and my thoughts away from being preggo. We went to Mawmaw's work last Monday for an ultrasound. Our baby is measuring exactly 1 week ahead than my actual pregnancy. So she is now measuring 27 weeks. She is also a little heavier than she should be :) But that runs in the family!
We didn't do much this past weekend. Just trying to relax and enjoy our time as a family of 3. We did have Monica, Bryce, Brock, Meredith, Stuart, and Grandma over on Saturday for a little cookout. It ended up being a great day and a great weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Mad Man looks SO Cute!!! And you look great!! Already bigger from when I saw you two weeks ago!
