Sunday, January 23, 2011


Daddy and his babies :)

Mr. Picasso :)
He was concentrating so hard

Playing football
Sweet Big Brother!!

Pretty in Pink
Maddox wanted to hold her hand :)

Can you believe it's already the end of January? It has just flown by! Morghyn is getting so big...time is just flying by! She is smiling, rolling over, and coo-ing! She is absolutely beautiful and growing too quick! She has started to kick and move her arms when she gets excited. She is trying to reach and grab things too. I just want her to stay little forever, but she has other plans :) She is such a great baby! Maddox adores her and gives her all his kisses. He will kiss her and say all gone...meaning his kisses are all gone ;) It's so cute! He is such a sweet big brother and loves to help. He hates to hear her cry. If Morghyn screams, Maddox comes a running..."Oh no! Thithy crying!" :)

On the other hand...Mad Man has been showing his mean side! He put a kid in a head lock at school and threw a punch at Morghyn! He has been seeing Time Out a lot lately, but hopefully it's just a phase. I'm sure it's a jealousy thing. Sweet or mean...our children are our greatest blessings! They continue to amaze us everyday!! Thank you Lord for these wonderful gifts :)

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