Sunday, January 23, 2011

Day With The Rogers

Daddy got burnedby Maddox's flying flaming marshmellow!! Hahah!

The kids roasting marshmellows...they had so much fun together!

Daddy trying to show our little pyro how to roast
Haylee loves holding Morghyn!

Morghy sure did love Aunt Doni...and her ta ta's :)

Little Miss Blue Eyes!

Took this Friday night...but had to post it! Maddox loves him so queso!!!
We had a great day yesterday with the Rogers clan! It was Savannah's birthday...big number 4! Those girls are growing so fast! Maddox had a blast playing play doh and unfortunately he had even more fun playing with the dollhouse lol! Morghyn got lots of loving from Aunt Doni and Uncle Dave. Brandon and David built a fire and the kids got to roast marshmellows. It was Mad Mans first time. I think he had more fun catching them on fire than he did eating them. Mike and Tylin's new house is absolutely amazing! Thank you so much for having us over all day! We had a great day!!


Daddy and his babies :)

Mr. Picasso :)
He was concentrating so hard

Playing football
Sweet Big Brother!!

Pretty in Pink
Maddox wanted to hold her hand :)

Can you believe it's already the end of January? It has just flown by! Morghyn is getting so big...time is just flying by! She is smiling, rolling over, and coo-ing! She is absolutely beautiful and growing too quick! She has started to kick and move her arms when she gets excited. She is trying to reach and grab things too. I just want her to stay little forever, but she has other plans :) She is such a great baby! Maddox adores her and gives her all his kisses. He will kiss her and say all gone...meaning his kisses are all gone ;) It's so cute! He is such a sweet big brother and loves to help. He hates to hear her cry. If Morghyn screams, Maddox comes a running..."Oh no! Thithy crying!" :)

On the other hand...Mad Man has been showing his mean side! He put a kid in a head lock at school and threw a punch at Morghyn! He has been seeing Time Out a lot lately, but hopefully it's just a phase. I'm sure it's a jealousy thing. Sweet or mean...our children are our greatest blessings! They continue to amaze us everyday!! Thank you Lord for these wonderful gifts :)

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Maddox was pumped up about that car! Thanks MawMaw

The fighters
The boys...and the girl! Can't really say the boys anymore :)
Maddox playing in the RV on the way to TN

Maddox watching a movie in the RV
Nana has her hands full :)
4 generations!!! We have been waiting on a picture like this for a long time!
Merry 1st Christmas to our
perfect gift!Maddox loves Austen!
Shane NEVER holds a baby under 3 months old :)

Meeting Uncle Josh for the first time
The Cousins
Big Momma and Morghyn
Grandma and Morghyn

Mad Man loves his new hat and hoodie

Christmas is our favorite time of the year! We get to see family that we rarely get to see, and we get to watch Maddox's face light up when he opens something really cool :) Ever since we started talking about Santa, Maddox has said he wants "Woody Buzz" for Christmas. And let me tell you how happy he was when he opened those up! He was so excited! That boy got more for Christmas than I know what to do with. We are so blessed to have the family we have. Getting together with them is always fun! Our babies are so spoiled by each and every member of our family! We couldn't ask for better family and friends! This was Morghyn's first Christmas...she slept through most of it :) We can't wait until next year when she can start enjoying the commotion. We visited family in the Houston area the weekend of December 18th, then left for Christmas in Tennessee on the 22nd. We drove a small RV which was an adventure. We were able to borrow the RV from a customer, and boy did it help! We were able to transport all gifts and not have to stop and potty every hour. Maddox did a great job! We kept him busy with toys, movies, and coloring. Morghyn slept the whole time, except to eat of course. We all know she can't miss a meal :) The motion of the RV had her snoozing! Too bad we can't borrow an RV for every trip! We did Christmas with Brandon's side on the 30th. We really are blessed to have such a big family. It might be a crazy and hectic time on the year, but I couldn't imagine it any other way! Thank you everyone for such a wonderful Christmas!