Tuesday, August 31, 2010

26 weeks...12 more to go!

Maddox is showing off his belly too :)
Well...here we are! 26 weeks along and only 12 left! This pregnancy is flying by. Maddox keeps me on my toes and my thoughts away from being preggo. We went to Mawmaw's work last Monday for an ultrasound. Our baby is measuring exactly 1 week ahead than my actual pregnancy. So she is now measuring 27 weeks. She is also a little heavier than she should be :) But that runs in the family!
We didn't do much this past weekend. Just trying to relax and enjoy our time as a family of 3. We did have Monica, Bryce, Brock, Meredith, Stuart, and Grandma over on Saturday for a little cookout. It ended up being a great day and a great weekend.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Arbuckle Wilderness in Oklahoma

They call these mountains in Oklahoma...LOL!

He sure loves sitting up front with Mommy and Daddy

Maddox the ostrich

Maddox and daddy feeding the ducks and turtles

Thank goodness this big thing was gated in!

Watching the giraffe's
He is HUGE!
I did not zoom in at all...this is how close this giraffe is!
Feeding the giraffe's

Maddox was a little scared of the zebras
Momma and baby zebra
These things were everywhere...scary looking huh?!
The donkey's would come up to our window with their mouth's wide open!

My little cutie pie...he is so excited about the zoo!

We ventured off to Oklahoma yesterday. We started out at the park Sunday morning...it was HOT and only 10 am! So Brandon remembered a drive thru zoo we could go to. So we went home and grabbed some snacks and drinks and took off an hour and half up to Davis, Oklahoma. It was mine and Mad Man's first time to the super awesome state of OK! I was joking....that state from what I saw seemed quite boring :) We started at the Arbuckle Wilderness. It's pretty neat...as soon as you cross the gate there are ostrich and camels walking all around you! We were able to buy animal food and feed them while we were driving through. Maddox liked it...sometimes! Other times he would get scared :) He was amazed at the giraffe's! They aren't roaming around, they are behind a fence but we were able to pull up right next to them and feed them out of our car! You never really know how giant they are until you are right up on them. After Arbuckle we drove over to what we thought was going to be a big waterfall...but it was just a creek with a 3 foot waterfall! Haha! And a bunch of mexican's splashing around. Turner Falls...don't go there unless you are forced to! LOL! Anyway...our day was an adventure and turned out to be very fun! We plan on going to the drive-thru zoo in Glen Rose this fall.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Our Weekend 8/13-8/15

We had an awesome weekend! Friday night we took Maddox to his first Rangers game! We went with the Fullers. Maddox absolutely loved the game! He actually sat there for 9 innings! The Rangers beat the Red Sox by the way! GO RANGERS! We had such a great time. We plan on going again when it cools off. It was still 100 degrees even after the sun went down! We are so over this heat wave!

Goofy Brock

Maddox and "Ca Ca"

Maddox fell asleep before we even got to the game!

Sunday we went to Going Bonkers. It was little Miss Haylee's 3rd Birthday! We had so much fun playing games and hanging out with the Roger's family! As always :) Our kids love each other! Happy Birthday Haylee!!!
Big Buck hunter...our future hunter!
Mad Man was too short to shoot some hoops! He got to cheat :)

Maddox and Haylee loved the race car games!
Happy Birthday sweet girl!

Afterwards we went to Burlington to buy Maddox a new bed. We decided to get him a toddler bed and put it in our room to ween him back to his own bed and out of ours! He picked out a Toy Story bed and bedding. He has slept in it 2 nights in a row without getting out! Lets keep our fingers crossed this works and he is back in his own room by November!
I went for our 24 week check up on Monday! Our little angel is growing and very active. Everything looks great! We talked about setting a date for our C-section...looks like she will be here for Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Tennessee weekend...continued!

Sticker boy!
With my beautiful new nephew Austen
My bestest! She took us for pedi's and lunch
Getting Maddox ready for some pictures
I love this girl!
Little stud muffin
The big ol' wedding party
Maddox with his pappaw...he is a pappaw's boy!

My amazing little family

Mommy & Maddox with Nana & Kelsey
Me and my wonderful husband
Mommy & Maddox
My amazing sister Kelsey
Maddox getting low on the dance floor to his favorite song...Boom Boom!
Congratulations to my best friend!!
Maddox loved dancing with "ecky"

Becky's wedding was beautiful! It turned out to be a perfect day for her and Eric. Maddox did not walk down the isle during the ceremony...I didn't think he would. He did have a blast at the reception though. He did not sit down for a second! He danced the entire night until it was time to go home...and then he got mad because he wanted to keep on dancing! The entire weekend was great...too bad it ended so quickly. Maybe next time we will have more time to hang out and do stuff.