Sunday, July 25, 2010

Toy Story 3 3D!

We took our little wild man to see his first big boy movie last night!! We didn't realize it was going to be 3D and we had to wear glasses. But he was AMAZED!! We were so surprised at how good Maddox was during the movie. He was in the zone for the first half of the movie! He got restless about 45 minutes into it, so I took him to potty and gave him some Icee then he was good to go! He loved the big boy movies and seeing "Buddy and Buzz" on the big screen :)

Saturday, July 24, 2010

July 24, 2010

We are 21 weeks pregnant today! Maddox spent the morning talking to baby sister. He loves to talk to her and give her kisses. He is getting excited! He will randomly throughout his day ask about his baby sister. Hopefully this means he is going to be a loving big brother :)