Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Birthday Morghyn!

Oh my has been so long since my last update! Partly because we steal internet from a neighbor, and partly because Maddox is wild and I always have Morghyn on my boob :) So much has happened! Most importantly miss Morghyn Volena Moffitt has made her debut! She is beautiful and more than we ever hoped for. Maddox absolutely adores her! Always hugging her, kissing her, and wanting to know where she is at all times! Morghyn weighed 8 lbs 6 ounces, and was 19 and a half inches long. She spent 4 hours in the NICU after birth with some breathing issues, but nothing major. I had a harder time after this C section than after my ceserian with Maddox. Lots of problems but everything is dandy now. We stayed a long 2 days in the hospital, and came home on Thanksgiving afternoon. Morghyn had her first outing that very day. We went to Mawmaw's house, she cooked up some of her famous chicken and dumplin's for dinner! Nana, Pappaw, and Kelsey stayed with us for a few days after coming home. Thanks to my mom...I don't know what I would have done without her here day and night. She was a huge help! Morghyn has brought so much joy into our lives! We are truly blessed to have 2 beautiful healthy children!!